Etsuro sotoo biography for kids

Christian samurai

Etsuro Sotoo is the former Chief Sculptor at the Sagrada Familia and a visiting lecturer at Kyushu University User Science Institute, School of Engineering Main Building.
etsuro sotoo biography for kids

Barcelona cathedrals

Graduated from Kyoto University of Fine Arts.

Subirachs longi

Etsuro Sotoo (born in Fukuoka Prefecture) is a Japanese sculptor strongly influenced by Antoni Gaudí.

Barcelona artist gaudí
Since com­ing to Barcelona in , Sotoo has not just mas­tered the Span­ish lan­guage but con­vert­ed to Roman Catholi­cism and ded­i­cat­ed much of his life to labor­ing on the com­ple­tion of the most famous build­ing in Spain: Antoni Gaudí’s mag­num opus, the Basíli­ca de la Sagra­da Família.